but if it does happen, my sense is orrin hatch is the new finance committee chairman, would like to doorm, and who's the new chairman of the house ways and means committee? if it's paul ryan, then we could see a very robust tax reform initiative come out of the house and the senate together and perhaps presented to president obama to sign or veto. stuart: now, that's tax reform in a very, very broad context, according to the republicans which is tax rate cuts. it's not the harry reid version, tax reform is a trillion dollar tax increase. >> no, that's right. it's revenue neutral aimed at engendering economic growth over the long haul. it also will be have the united states join the rest of the industrialized countries in the world and have a territorial tax system that does not tax american corporate profits twice. once when they're made abroad and once when they're brought back to the united states. stuart: but that's a huge fight with the president. tax reform goes to a republican house and republican senate and reaches his desk, what's he going to do? >> well, that's going to be a b