. -3 3 orrloggonno ffxbaltimore dot commto enter... be sure o read the official rules nd 3 entry!it'ssall brouggt to you by the baattmmreebbidal showw center februury nddand rd. 3 poming up on the early &peddtioo... seeruity illlbe a stepp new orleaas is taaing to - p(break )))- 3-&pp3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map 83 map greenspring map libbrty map & 3 -3 & 3- 3 3 still to come... nnw orleanss & super bowl sunday. sunday. 3 anninside 3 uper bowl ans will start arriving in thh city 3 as rob masson explains... hundreds of staaee,local, and & federal fficers will tart into motion tonight. 3 p if you've been neaa the ppuperdome in the last week,, it'ssclearrthat things, are - "i had to come up here, but the exerriss is fine.""urrouud thh entire uiiding,,evvryone homellnd ecurity director is moniioringgevent."this is my throogh sscurity plans, and ccallengiig ourselves &pthe departmeet security is urginggeveryone to get on sunday. gaaes opennat 1 pm &psunday.theer 'see omethinn, saa something' if you see anything suspicious, youu8007, enforcement officee. there "thhs is what the no