...kidney problems, orrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow.♪ ask your heart doctor abouto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away ♪ >>> welcome back. dr. forman, this is a two-year program, correct? >> yes, it is. yes, it is. the students come in that first year. they what it's going to take to meet those goals, and then that second year we delve into more about their career, readiness, internships. they create a portfolio. yes. >> and mr. hamlin, you said that academics is only part of this program. >> right. >> that's only part of what you're teaching . >> yes. the big part is development. your approach to personal growth as a man, a man of color, your leadership ability, your ability to communicate, your personal confidence, is really hand in hand with academic achievement. even with academic achievement it's a successful mindset you're trying to develop. when you leave school those transferable skills and habits can be taken to a professional environment, to anywhere. your own business. because now you have a mindset of success. i