where there is event with the mayor of orsa where i plant a tree, the... or connectivity in terms ofsical connectivity of people traveling from one place to another, and given the close historical ties between india and belarus, it was extremely important to start direct flights, because in 30 years of our diplomatic relations there were no direct flights, which was i think quite quite a shame, so we have started it, but we need to tell more people in india and in belarus about each other so that travel more and take advantage of this. yes, i have, i have been here for over three years now, i have traveled to all your six major cities and all and not all, but several of your smaller cities, i've also been to your villages and it's extremely difficult for me to find one special place because your whole country is so beautiful, you are really really blessed, every part of your country is beautiful, your lakes, your... there is a there's a great good will for india, there is a there's a there's a love for indian culture, indian music, yoga, bollywood, everything, and that as an indian d