orsino, headmaster of west mr. academy. what kind of challenge to educators face today? there's a time in which the mother, father, children would ents gto school andnts wlde they only have one parent or there are issues at all. they bring those challenges into the classroom. i think schools should help children love to learn, love to read, become the thinkers, become larders, become a problem solvers, become those who can cope with difficult situation. >> eid and visited the northeast tech school. pushing think we're children into college prep. some students do not want to go to college but when they get to theyschool, they fail when get college level courses and we call them fell years. maybe your interests are not in college by ninth grade? a vocationalh degree, you can be earning a living. in hand anddiploma have no skills. they could get a job and making more money that way. we need more vocational schools to meet other needs of children. >> i met up with a dedicated ap teacher to talk about standardized tests. >> i >ap is a good program. the things that are not how