we shouldn't have a right to ignore speech they find appalling or unpersuasive ortega cameron each speech with arguments of their own. they need not engage with what they might regard as unsettled topics as some students said but they do not have the privilege of insisting no one else to be allowed to treat those questions as unresolved. the college campus cannot claim to be serious about trying to create an environment open to inquiry and pursuit of truth if it cannot tolerate the airing of controversial, discomforting ideas. faculties and administration do not have the courage of their convictions, they cannot tolerate having their students hear from speakers that the students themselves think are obnoxious or mistaken but that implies responsibility on the part of those inviting speakers and hosting events. the faculty hired are evaluated by their peers and their ability tomeet disciplinary expectations about the understanding of their subject . outside speakers are brought to campus for different reasons. they are bought to discuss public affairs and not expected to meet those standar