there's orthorexia, an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. the irony is that they are sticking to rigidly to certain foods, they might cut out food groups or they might be -- they might skip an entire meal because it doesn't have the safe foods in it. the eye irony is they are heati healthy food but they are becoming unhealthy. there's a term out there called drunkarexia. someone who is engaging in behaviors where they are not eating. they are cutting out calories, exercising to save up calories to spend them on binge drinking. it's dangerous. we are seeing an earlier onset. we see young girls and boys in grade school with disorder eating, hating their body and developing eating disorders. it's much younger than what we have been seeing historically. also, midlife eating disorders we're seeing. we're seeing the onset in midlife but also maybe someone who has had an undetected eating disorder early on maybe relapse, maybe they have had a period of stability and relapse due to a stressor. >> is part of this for lack of a better way to put it ne