worked in orzhd, quit before mobilization, it’s more necessary here, well, that is, i was already preparing’t regret, there is such an understanding as the curse of the first world war, trench fear, that’s all, well, that is, when trench warfare begins. yes, yes, yes, all this, no, there is no such thing, now here, no, no, now the tasks are different, mostly of an offensive nature, so everywhere too, there is success , the unit is being carried out, the guys’ eyes immediately begin to burn, there is no word, you prepare for offensive actions, conduct training, apply all this. to the future area of the terrain there is already one another there, you can’t do that there, you need to do it like this, that’s it, that is, you directly raise the bird , draw a trench like theirs, build it in the same way, and yes, everything is absolutely the way it is, training has begun, maps, we print out the terrain plan, we select an area, we equip it with such a fitting as an enemy, so that every soldier knows. from which pit, to which pit to run, how many steps does it even come to this, what about the sp