so when maria gets pregnant, she has a son, and neither oscar folsom nor grover cleveland knew who the father was. and maria complicates things by naming the child oscar clear lambed. now, oscar folsom had been married and had a daughter. cleveland was a bachelor, so cleveland kind of accepted responsibility to pay for the child to go to an orphanage, so forth and so on. but here's the other part of the scandal. oscar folsom dies a few years later in a carriage accident, driving his carriage a bit recklessly, he's thrown from it, apparently breaks his neck. he leaves a widow and this young girl, francis. grover cleveland makes an enormous amount of money, as his law partner, and cleveland kind of takes care of the widow and the young girl. he pays for them, sets them up in a nice home for his best friend and former law partner. he becomes the godfather, if you will, for the little girl, francis. they're very close. she calls him uncle cleve. he calls her frankie. he pays to send her to college in a day in which women weren't really educated. what happened was as francis is growing up,