local network, both on the railway side, as well as on the transit side, and for that i've got oscar quintanilla here to provide a presentation. >> the other mr. quintanilla, good morning. >> good morning, commissioners. as you know, in april 2017 governor brown signed into law the road repair and accountability act, also known as senate bill 1. this landmark transportation investment package is funded by a combination of gas taxes and vehicle registration fees and provides over $5 billion annually for transportation projects across california. the state gas tax was last raised in 1994, and since then has lost 40% of its value due to inflation, and with increases to fuel efficiency and more electric vehicles, there's less revenue to repair our roads for every mile driven. this past june california voters also passed prop 69, which ensures these funds are only used for transportation improvements. i wanted to share with you this chart prepared by the metropolitan transportation commission, which shows s.b. 1, how s.b. 1 increases state funding in the bay area alone. on the left you can see pre-s.