. >> they've been been tracked before in the united states where are they're working with osi tech toease genetically modified mosquitoes programmed to wipe out their own race. now, it's awaiting fda approval to start a small trial here in a small area of the keys. >> we've actually brought down the population in the areas where we've released. 90%. >> now, there has been some local pushback over the plan here. mostly over the genetic modification. key experts and omni tech say it's safe and specifically targets this kind of mosquito. meanwhile, big pharma companies are working on the problem. both santafee and merck are working on vaccines. important as cases around the world have increased 30 fold in the last 50 years. back to you, guys. >> when i was living in singapore, there were multiple outbreaks, and the authorities would regularly come around our houses and spray to try to kill off mosquitoes. that was the way that they did it. you know genetically modified mosquitoes might be a much more effective way of attacking the problem. >> why is it so painful, meg? bone breaking feve