from egremont, massachusetts, please welcome back oskar hallig. ause] oskar, welcome back, bud. good to see you. >> you too. [applause] >> it's unique, but i also love this bucket list item that we're trying to take care of. fill us in. >> well it's basically to turn my den at home into a commercial airline, so getting everything from the seats and whatnot. yeah. >> so--okay, so how far have you gotten in this dream? >> well at this point, i've got probably about 2,700 different pieces of airline memorabilia. i've got knives, forks, saucers, tea kettles, i mean-- >> so this is happening to-- let's put a-- >> everything you could think of. >> this is a picture from your den. >> right. yes. [laughs] >> so you have the mannequin flight attendants. >> yep. >> and you have-- >> and they each have, like, eight outfits to change into, so yeah. they're interchangeable. >> of course. there has to be costume changes. >> exactly. depends on, you know, the airline, the time of day, and the flight. no. >> but this is--right now, this is small scale. we want to