self-described christian version became the first ever private -- donor to be targeted for fda and, for osment, the fda's center for biologics and research. seeber sent arsenal a cease and desist order and threatened him with a $100,000 fine due to his prolific private donations that same year agents appeared at his door and searched his home on four separate occasions. the california man made 328 donations to 46 different recipients with the intent to get them pregnant at the time, his efforts had resulted in 40 births. the number rose to at least 25 as trent continued donating throughout the federal enforcement. although he abstained sex. trent had still testing every six months and had been providing fresh --, primarily to lesbian couples free of charge. since 2006. seeber said that because trent failed to provide his donations through a bank or clinic and hadn't had the extensive and expensive weekly testing and the mandatory six month freeze in quarantine of -- that all -- donors must complete. he was in violation of federal laws and regulations governing donation of biological tissue, ye