let him on the airplane with a fly rod, and bumby says, no this is communications equipment, an oss aten na disguised as a fly rod. the brit says very good, off you go. he goes out the bottom of a b-17 opinion they cut a hole in the floor. he drops through, fly rod in one hand, himself in the other. first jump of his life into combat. he lowers -- he's got the fly rod on a string so he lowers it to the ground so it won't hit along with him and possibly break. so jumper and fly rod are unscathed and able to continue the mission. the mission is basically -- it's a quintessential oss mission. it's to spy on the germans, to figure out what german units, what german fortifications are in the area, what strength and so forth. and it's also to work with the french underground to get them reading on the same sheet of music as the allied forces, not doing things that the allies -- that the uniformed allies are uncomfortable with. so bumby does a pretty good job at this. he fits in well and makes a contribution. he does take time off every so often to go fly fishing, another very hemingway touch,