. >> that's gabby and she was diagnosed with osteo sarcoma at nine years old. after an accident they discovered she had cancer. >> they removed my cancer which was in my lower femur/knee. they removed my whole knee and took my lower tibia and rotated it 180 degrees backwards and reattached it to my upper thigh area. now my ankle acts as a knee joint. >> that's bloody genius. >> look how well it works. >> incredible. >> fascinating. >> it took several p.t. sessions getting the motion back in my ankle and taking my first steps without any assistance. no walker or crutches. then a year after that i was dancing again. >> she decided to go back to dancing because she's so passionate about it. >> she is doing great. look at her ballet moves. >> incredible. not only does it work, it works well enough for her to dance like that. >> not like ballet is easy. she's picking one of the hardest disciplines as well. it's inspiring. >> when she needs to do a toe point or dance on her toes she has to change the end of the prosthetic and she can dance like that as well. >> she a