in fact, one of his doctoral students dissertation found a sevenfold increase in osteosarcoma risk in young boys and pre-adolescent growth spurt phase of their drinking fluoridated drinking water. a complaint was raised about professor douglas's testimony and harbored investigated this. finding that he did not quote intentionally" end quote. conduct scientific misconduct but it has sequester dollar of the documentation around that investigation. as it turned out chester douglas to was taking money from colgate for many years and contributed $1 million to harvard's of their issues to be dealt with at the venue as well. >> . >> i am from the center for science the public interest i have good fortune of having read your book and very well written you should be congratulated and your mother would be very proud. [laughter] >> she is. >> a follow-up question because this study that appears in the "new england journal of medicine", and has become a contested terrain. and the book you focus on the grievous cases where there really are scientist for higher but in regulatory science a lot of it