look at orders, block oster, tower records. -- blockbuster, tower records.fine line between bold and reckless. the skills of reinvention, the use of technology, understanding how to engage, use information, they are as important as the classic merchant skills in reinventing a retailer. >> would it behoove a retailer to look outside of retail itself for the next chief? they should look to silicon valley? >> i think you will see a broader set of skills brought to retailers. for sure, the understanding of merchandising, what customers want, consumers want, members want, it is very important. in addition, understanding how to use technology, use information, how to maintain the ongoing dialogue said i could anticipate, so that i know what you want -- those skills will be equally important. that is why you will see, as opposed to historically where it was this retailer ceo became you retailer ceo, etc., will see a broader away -- array of companies from which boards source their new retail ceo. >> when you walk into sears and began in the retail industry, what wa