ostromensheva today is the village of the future, the countryside is in a good geographical position,ur youth need a good salary, where to live, where to spend the money, for that? in order for young people to stay, we need infrastructure, we do everything for this, we have kindergartens, we have schools, uh, we have a cultural center, we have clubs, an outpatient clinic, roads to get to the city, and the roads are of high quality, plots for housing development are now being allocated to farm workers, lighting has been installed. gas, water, everyone who works on the farm can build houses for themselves, we lure them with a good salary, the trade union provides us with good support, that is, we have weddings, when you join the army they give you money, as they say, god forbid, well, in the event of the loss of loved ones, relatives are also allocated, transport is allocated in order to transfer. events, competitions, when they also carry out cash rewards are given to those who want to, say, improve their health, they can order vouchers to a sanatorium through the trade union, part of