of impact, the president's head is pushed forward, indicating the shot from the rear where oswald wawas, not backwards, indicating a shot from the grassy knoll. and then at frames 314 to 321, you have his head snap to the rear of eight inches. the house select committee said it was caused by a neural muscular reaction. nerve damage caused by the bullet entering the presen caused his back muscles to tighten which in turn caused his head to be pushed backwards. now there's a high-contrast photo put out by i-tech corporation in 1967, four years after the warren commission, with technology they didn't have at the time of the warren commission, and it shows the terrible spray of brain matter at frame 313. slightly forward. again indicating a shot from the rear where oswald was. >> the magic bullet. this is bullet number two. shot from the book depository. people say that bullet could not have caused all that damage. couldn't have hit the president in the back, exited his throat, gone through the limo jump seat into connally, into his ribs, into his wrist, into his thigh, couldn't have done i