so there are three companies that we are looking at as otential exit but i think that the short term, seven-year exit is very much overrated and wait for this to play out, 10 years from beginning to end of this capital and you're going to see some real exits. so i wouldn't feel defensive about that answer. the second one is, in addition to exit, when i look at success, i really do start to ink about those category breaking innovations that wouldn't have happened without this kind of investment. so like seven years ago solar had a unit level, first of all, too expensive for a hospital to use. now that you're at 40 million you've proven a model with a profitable company that is continuing to grow, we're also seeing a platform on which you can build other lessons and other kinds of products. so that company has spawned other companies like a company called emcopa which is a joint venture between the solar company and a mobile banking platform in kenya. based on the insight that the poor want access to solar and, frankly, they want access to more than a light. they'd like a system. once y