ot -3& a ggod idea.but juss imagine paaling o eport an emergency, only to hear --3 snooing on he otherr ndhhs apartmenttcomplex o montgomery county, fire and rescue...the dispatther -&papparentlyynods ooff a seconn dispatcher takes ooer, but the linee assthe caller reports her husband ssapparently unconscious...but thhesnoringg -3 confuses tte second diipatcher who mistakes it for the victim having troubll brrathhng.. 3 and tilt his heed back. ,3 yes (snore) uh huh k is thatt him i hear doiig that snoringg -3 nooiee? yee. ok are you ale tt keep that airway open liie -3 that??i see the snooing noisess - sttppee. 3 it turns out the fireeighter - taking the call was 17 hourss into his shift...now hh's on paid aaminnstrative leavee..as & orrtte patient...the deputy chief saysstte inciient had no dverss impact on the pictim'' condition. 3 3 pte ssn peaaed out a bit phrough tte clouds this afteenooo, buu ii more ain on pte way?way? 3& letts o to chief meteorologist vytaa reid for your ssywatch foreeast. 3- 3 hy didn't e 3&ppavv this ten years ago? tte new lifesavinn device thatt one of the great