this is what is goingt-tÑ on in- world, but what was your othert- question?you know, i mean, nixon oncet÷ said, i gave him his speÑ and he just read it.dÑtÑtÑ he said buchanan for god sakestÑ give some lift to your speech, get positive. i was just not the kind of speechwriter that was all graham and everything.t÷tÑtÑ a lot of friends werepÑtÑtm enthusiastic about the arab spring and i wastÑtÑ nervous frÑ the beginning. i don't mean ip÷ have no grief Ñ mubarak and hist÷t÷ regime and Ñ sure they are brutal and all thÑ rest and many of the people wetÑ deal with over there but when hÑ moved the things awaiting you get ridpÑpÑ of bizarre, it's no÷ necessarily the facebook twitter folks who come up andúÑ build apÑ society.tÑtÑpl .. dÑt÷pÑpÑtÑtÑtÑt÷p÷pÑpÑtÑtÑpÑt- >> again, but i forget in new-line was talking to but 1967 i went to israel 10 days after the six-day war. nixon and i were the only two together. in the basement we met to general rabin. of strong accent and diane as a star i told vice president nixon, of all the people we met on this three week to were th