tavis: up next -- otis williams, the last living original member of the temps. the temps about to turn 50. i will always be joined by the current lead singer. stay with us. we're back in a moment. nearly 50 years ago otis williams joined four other talented artists to form one of the most successful and inflaunsal groups in history, the temptations. the band had a lot of changes and incarnations over the years but now fronted by lead singer terry weeks, they're out with a new cd called "still here." otis williams, good to have you on the program, sir. >> as always, it's good seeing you again, tavis. tavis: nice to meet you. i know what it's been all of these years and i looked down, it's the shoes. the camera, you can't do justice to that. that's a purple, lavender, suede -- don't take off them shoes, otis. don't take them off. you ain't going to get them back. >> thank you. tavis: does it seem like 50 years? >> you know when you have a fun time, it passes so quick, no. and celebration of coming up on 50 years, we're getting ready to start gearing ourself up for