mercy otis warren was the wife of a patriot, james warren, the sister of another patriot, james otis, from a very well connected family in massachusetts. but her brother, james owtis, hd been very active in the resistance cause and then he went insane. unlike most women, mercy otis warren had been highly educated. she was educated by a private tutor along we are brother. and she kind of stepped in his place and she began writing plays and poems and political tracks that attacked british tyranny. and they were actually published in newspapers in massachusetts and they were circulated throughout the colonies. and so she was a really important, i guess, you should say, instigator in the coming of the revolution. interestingly enough, too, she then wrote one of the first histories of the american revolution, a three-volume history of the american revolution that was published in 1805. she was a friend of abigail adams. and of john adams and john adams actually encouraged her authorship, encouraged her venture into history. and so she is someone that, i think, has been forgotten but at the