beginning with m, end with otors. try it. motors. motors, honey. electric motors be working on such principle, okay? and dig this, whenever you see any electric motor, realize-- you know, sometimes we see things and we're so overwhelmed with the complexities, we don't know what the nitty-gritty is. realize the nitty-gritty of an electric motor is simply a current-carrying wire, foom, being deflected in a magnetic field, period. that's it. motors operate that way, okay? now, let's suppose i take this wire and i put it like this through there, okay? i'm not gonna take the trouble to do that right now. but if i put it like that, then the currents go in this way in one wire, but doesn't that go the opposite way on the other wire? i wanna have you use your mind here. what's gonna happen to this thing if i pass current through it now? one side will jump up, and the other side will-- down. which is gonna produce a-- twist. --twist. do you see it's gonna twist? and the more current flowing through it, the more it will-- twist. --twist. and guess what we ha