but otrwise, it has notseen the thats gog to be desive. if you wt tolear an area of milints, you have to use ound troops. its an issue that has caed something of an anti-americ feeling here. >> our p stories, the libyan minister has wned that the army may withdraw from misrata d ave into local ibesmen. a no air strike s hia car rkedn the center of tripoli, killing three peop. present omacondemned vience against donsttors in syr. we n ta li. joins us from damcus. the offial new agenc has id that security foes have beensing only teargasnd waterannons. can you comment onhat? >> ty are lying about erytng, as usual. bout 100 peacefulroteers we kild today by the authories e around the untry. th event tt even though the videos and i witnesses' stories repo the crimes, the ma maacre today with the syri ople >> were you surprised to see the violce being use againsthe otesrs? the state of emergen h been lifted to aow pceful otes. >> wasurpred. nody was imagining back in a few hrs, they uld kill about 100 sian people, cluding childn. 10 yrs o and 12