placing him next to him, but stalin and otterk.hough they respected each other, they never met, according to one of the versions, because of the status of the uchebnogorsk straits. stalin himself never signed congratulatory telegrams to turkey and personally otterka in the thirty-eighth after the death of the founder, external trade between the two countries significantly decreased, some soviet and turkish consulates were closed during world war ii turkey hesitated for a long time, but eventually joined the anti-hitler coalition , and the war fell into the us orbit of influence and eventually became a member nato russian-turkish ties are again waiting for a test of strength tensions are growing in the south caucasus between armenia and azerbaijan moreover , relations between russia and armenia in peak yerevan demonstrates that the ally will be deeply disappointed everything can end with another regional redistribution, especially if you add iran's nervous reaction from it, in turn, relations with azerbaijan are nowhere worse than r