otto von bizmak, who said that it was they who introduced the real negotiations, and not the monarchiescause, to quote, all three imagined themselves to be more significant government people. what they were, in fact, there were common interests, germany did not want problems. in the east, austria-hungary sought freedom in the balkans. russia needed an international time. to repel british expansion in central asia, this meeting became a prologue to a series of agreements formalized by the union of the three emperors, which fell apart after 15 years into a dissipation, the rapprochement of fear began. on september 6, 1968 , swaziland gained independence, the only monarchy in africa and the smallest state on the continent. bordering on the republic of south africa and mozambique without access to the sea, people in asia created their country at the beginning of the 19th century, defeating neighboring tribes in the wars. then the boers subjugated him. and after the anglo-boer war, the british made swaziland their protectorate, independence did not bring democracy, parliament performs adviso