the trend that we most often look at ouare -- 25% of morning traffic is driving kids to school. it goes without saying, but there is an immense amount of public health, safety impacts. how could obesity, asthma rates, more traffic around the school, global warming. we would encourage kids to walk and back-to-school period the . the best way to look at this is through the five e's. 4osáeducation is essentially teaching walking and biking skills. the current school system to teach as bike safety glasses to fourth graders. encouragement. the use of contests to encourage parents and kids to walk and a bike to school. there is a current bike to school day. engineering, to create physical improvements and to identify barriers. evaluation. doing travel service, parents surveys to see what those barriers are and how many kids are actually walking. there is a short outline about the project. they have just completed their first year. they have one more year of funding. in that, they will be adding 10 more schools. our funding begins in the 2011 school year. coalition members are