oummya eeving befo ores me i am so glad rush limbaugh wasn't around because he would have called those ideas socialistic. but that is at the heart of the americanfounding. and they go all the way up to right now, and e, i c cuofint ece ngn haom of his vast audience with me and it would probably be guilty of that. but i love bruce springsteen's new song, my frid emily luken first pointeout to me, right when the book was coming ou,d i. oyuhdo t, some of you haven't, is where ever this flag is flown, and we take care of our own. and so, john winthrop d 3 haad very robust sense, yes, of personal freedom at the liberties to which we are entitled, but also of the obligations that we owe each other. if i can close with a uion phop, ee ll that. sandel said that when politics goes well, we can know a good in common that we cannot know alone. that is a deeply american idea. ank u vy mh. la >> thank you. and there's already someone at themc cdn i i ov dissenters. >> no, i'm no dissenter. well, i just remember th phrase liamn stoaidrto jefferson, and currently two but was if you want to live like