wasting ourhere time. we should get to the final vote. i yield back. >> the gentleman yields. yes, i yield to the gentleman from maryland. >> i want to comment on the chart. those numbers are correct. more so than what you are attributing it to, that reflects the cbo is making some projections based on the assumption of what the employer-based coverage would do. in other words, that employers might begin to drop coverage of employees who would then get in the health exchanges. the actually happened was, employees continue to provide coverage. the fact that those numbers did not meet the expectations, i think reflects some positive things about the way the ac rolled out, not negative things as you suggested. time, i willing my respectfully disagree and yield back my time. californiaady from is recognized, for what purpose does she seek recognition? she is recognized for five minutes. >> i know we are all hired, obviously. we have been here for over 12 hours. with all due respect to the gentleman, i think from indiana, all amendment should be withdrawn, i don't agree with that.