. -- ourselvesfer as up for reelection. the problem is the system is designed to protect and elect partisans. when you look at gerrymandering, you look at the closed primary system, those are all designed specifically to protect the people in power. that is where reform needs to occur. it is interesting -- when you go through the process of writing a book -- and i did a lot of research into this -- it changes your opinion on this. i was not always opposed to term limits. when you look at what has happened to the states that attempted term limits, it does not work. people who go into office immediately start to position up,selves for the next step either to become a lobbyist or run for another office. the people have the most power are the career staff who have been there and the lobbyist. i do not think that is what the american people have in mind when they are thinking about term limits. they are thinking about reinvigorating congress every few years. that is not what happens under term limits. the same people remain at t