urban farming versus where you have a lot of sfwland we are looking for tland is not economically outizedn't want to compete for the cost of the space and for waste heat. green houses need energy to heat them. if we can pull heat from a bakery or data center it reduces our consumption of fuels. >> you were an engineer and consultant before getting in to this. what is the job skill set? what does it take and how do you translate being a farmer and running a small business, offering the community the education that you do? it's a lot of hats to wear, right? >> exactly. my background in qualitative analysis in engineering helps a lot. you would be surprised how much overlap there is with farming. analyzing the value, the yields and productivity of certain crops. and also as a small business owner, entrepreneur also in new york city inventing the wheel. we wear a lot of hats and skillsets at the same time. >> ben, good to have you on the program. ben flanner joining us. >>> up next we will look at the news that will have an impact on your money and find us on facebook. check out wsyrwithmaria