and you're getting ♪ >> hip-hop knew about outkast. but then they come out with an album "speakerboxx" and the love below. and they have this song called "hey ya." ♪ it's barely a hip-hop song really. i'm not sure what it is. but it's got this kind of frothy '60s vibe. it sounds like something motown might have put out when they were doing their "sound of young america." ♪ hey ya ♪ hey ya next thing you know everyone is singing this one line "shake it like a polaroid picture ♪ ♪ shake it ♪ shake it polaroid was the instant camera, and the picture came out, and for some strange reason as the image was forming people would do this. they would shake it. as if that was going to make it happen faster. so he says that line in the song, and suddenly everyone's doing that. you had this cultural moment that everybody feels they need to be part of. now you know you've really tapped into something and that's what outkast is. >> if you're going to do anything, do it 100%. don't pull the thing out unless you'r