e outrea goeseyond d-60. realtors s it's abo helping the entiomnty. "education is importand so we want those kids to do better which will ultimately help oucocounity. :06 "usuly j jt aboutha haha during ththweek a whatate can ininhe futur to like, my career and stuff like at the associn hope attct rlt tohe program.. so they n expand i i pueblo couy wants your help totoring a rouou from a major passengnr train n the homenof heroes. & let't'give youou live look at that meeting right now... athe pueblo city coty healah depa. county commissisier sal pace and a a passenr train group want the amak uthwest chief.n. to make a stop in pulo . ananthey're askingngor the$& commununy's idids. thtraiai already y es throh jun ....lamar... and trinid the southwest chief line runs from chigoo los anges. reirs are beg ma o e h th m ns.. ro codo a dgelementaryry noreree t teacher ." first a teteher gingngngsaininas nede the best tcher ever her dedicataon stopping bli. sain wor special education for 12 arand foun a passion for anti-bullying campaigns. one of her students