. >>> highin are fningoz dons of ldfireinreece day,ncluding ts large o outse ann, t childrens hoitalscueds the fir med close to avil populatearea >>at the wor tck and field ampionshs inerlin, an maze ng racrun b a yng sprint haisedyebrs and unmfo uncoortablquestions out geer andeannette iident. sthae goskas our sry. >>epter: cter semeny didn just beat tompetition in t 800 meteworld chamonsh, e crhed th. th18ear-old fm sou afca, rativeunown befo thisar,an sast st dnesy, iidn'ake lo for offials and fello atet t sugst she might have a unfair adntag >> it'suspicis tha somethinnotormal abothat. and is very reasoble ihink th ath ment you loo to it. >>eporter:emen isn il of dongbut erare rumors sheight have beenor a ma >> ion't kno whoaidnd i n't know, i dot give a dn about it >> repter: the intertional spts fedation, the iwf has launchnd oicial gende investigion but determining jenders not a sime or clr-cuts o may thk. >> we keo thif people as justeing male orfemale actuallythere are seeople th fln bweennd it's fficult to actually asgn geer. >> rorter:he iestigaon wi take da en wcans to col