were not a democrac when i hear thaov ove epublic. get back to your roots and find out how do you get back to that good policy. >> what is it about jim jordan that convinces you he's going to take in all the scope of the republican party, not ju ones you represent? >> you know, the more and more you start to listen, pedro, american people are coming back to that process saying, listen, we like that freedom caucus, okay. they might have ideas we don't care for, but they're getting back to that process. they're asking the questions that create the debate. sten, is this really where we want to go? is this really how we should be doing it? shouldn't we actually be making a solution that lasts the curtails of time instead of a quick fix? why is tat leadership way is the only way? i find that offensive. what leadership ought to be doing is listening to the 435. actually n this case, the535, and finding a empowering again those nuggets of expertise t come to then op to have that de. >> let's go to d,ia jim,licli>ncaller: good morning. w yoin