for the uninsured and as long as those doors were open asthmatic come as schizophrenic, diabetic, ove rdose, a car wreck, a beach reach. -- we would treat. it is not free. it is passed to somebody in day he made the policy over here in acknowledged that. so congress has already entitled people to care that will be paid for. then is it better to give coverage where diabetes is managed as an outpatient that they come to the e are episodic the? plywood say that the conservative responsible solution is to give coverage. the only way to control cost is appropriate coverage. this is something which empowers the patient. so why push back those of the fiscally responsible conservative approach. i do think that we will find common ground but just have to come to a common understanding of the fax. that is a process we are working through. >> i am glad that you made it congressmen. >> for once i am later than the senate. [laughter] >> we are talking about whether the house package to replace the affordable care act to pass the house seven like to hear your perspective. >> we have a lot of what this is