they certainly, you know, they were overaggressive at different points. you could say.ome peoples lives got completely wrecked kind of for nothing at the end. for some reason i feel the investigators, they are the unsung heroes. they do not usually get a lot of public glory and they are doing a lot of difficult work of just regulating and moderating the securities markets and we live in a world where everyone has money in the stock market. we all have retirement money in the stock market, so -- brian: these hedge funds affect the average person investing in the stock market? sheelah: they absolutely do. because we are all in there, our futures are tied up in the stock market and increasingly, we have two big markets. we have the market for the wealthy, well-connected, sophisticated investors like hedge fund traders, and the one for everyone else. brian: one personal question before we are out of time. are you married? sheelah: yes. brian: do you have a family, kids? sheelah: yes, yes. can i ask why you are asking this? brian: i always ask these questions. sheelah: ask m