but i would like to give some of the other panelists a chance to comment on the overutilization, and i'm come back and talk about the emergency room care which you probably know better than i do, it's a real problem in the military. >> we'll finish with you, but we'll go down the row first. okay, carla. any comments? >> i think -- well, i don't want to speak for dod. >> nor do i anymore. [laughter] >> i think dod has tried to wrestle with that, those sorts of things. i hesitate to call them frivolous, but certainly you'll see in the civilian sector the sort of plans that you outlined that, you know, if you go to the e.r. and then it's deemed it wasn't an emergency, the deductible is higher, there's a fee. i don't think that those sorts of things have been proposed officially by dod, but -- >> alice. >> let me stick with "frivolous," because i think that's an unfortunate word usually, and in this instance. there's certainly good studies that will tell you that care coordination particularly for chronic disease help avoid running to the emergency room when you're really sick. it avoids