ovethe la 50 year alaska s warmed twice as fast ashe nationalverage. melting permafrostnd coastal sea ice, as well as increasing rosion a visiblyhanging people'sives. >> we take alaskan native counities at are almost solely-n order r traportatio it'either vy traditiol method so eith ocean-ing, cans, or onoot, in snowses, or isome cas, owmobile and it's diffult to maintain that subsistence lifestyle when the changes are impacting the food resources, likmarine mmals, umor permrost is awed, anso accs to aditionahomeland or carib or for ose are impact by vaing seass. y'restartingo see eaier aws, sohe timin of hunt and gaerings are impacd. d so coequeny, what y have haened thimonth in ars pastow has tbe bumpe up,n some ces a month earer. anso we're startg to see change how we interet the eironmentround s. >>kipnuk, 's small communy. a vlage. 's noreally cnected t the tside worl but i w always interested in what's going on all around us. i was curious about climate change and how it was affecting us. i didn't realize how bad it was. when i finally understood