what oviva is developing is a therapeutic that essentially can be used to extend the ovarian reservember of eggs that we have at any given point in time, and using this as a means to extend ovarian function. now, what's interesting about this is, mechanistically, this is something you could take at any given point in your life, and it would essentially be working as an anti—ageing contraceptive. and this therapeutic is something that you could start taking once you're in your 40s. whether you're finished having your family, or perhaps you don't want children, it would be easily used at a later date, closer to when you might enter menopause, as a means to really stave that off. health risks vary pre— and post—menopause. exposing the body to hormones for longer can be associated with a higher risk of breast, ovarian or endometrial cancers. whether this method of delay might impact that cancer risk in humans is unclear, though, so far, there's no evidence of this in animal studies. the likelihood of toxicity is quite low, but there's a lot that we need to better understand about the con