clark, christine caplan, janet weisberg, manuel flores, lynn fitzpatrick, fernando castillo and owen murphy. >>> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is [speaker not understood] with local laborer [speaker not understood]. i'm here to support local wage, local hire. we are all that. more has to be done to make sure that the violations don't happen again. please support that. thank you. >>>♪ if you were a carpenter and you city had some budget crazy, would you then them in the workforce right along would you have a budget baby save the workforce through the lienest save it through sorrow would you help it ride along help it for tomorrow and the america's cup went sailing on the san francisco bay i'm thankful for public comment here and that's -- and this is what i got to say calling america's cup budget to ride along to another budget shore we can sail our lives away and be free once more ride, budget, ride upon your mystery budget ship and i hope you get a lot of very good gifts ride city budget ride upon america's cup mystery budget ship and i hope you get a great wind with a budget lift r