of grandpa's council tax, the spending per dwelling in his area is 3122 pounds, whereas in west oxfordshire its 1872 pounds. now, ma i fully accept the need is much greater their but i would argue that is a relatively fair balance between the two. >> following decades of under investments and hollow promises from previous governments the coalition early decision to foley fuel is driving -- [inaudible] can urge the prime minister to continue to looking at the powerhouse for economic growth and back the opportunities available to invest in integrated mainline? >> these the right to stand up for norwich and for the economy. the 109 pounds where investing is an important part of that. this is going to be completed in 2014. this will cut congestion on the route between cambridge and norwich. the shadow chacha said something. he wants to go and watch the canaries and we'll get in there a little quicker. [laughter] i am no end in trying to help the shadow chancellor. >> two weeks ago the heads of the security service warned about the extent of islamist extremism, and this week to individuals have