perception going to be to somebody like that who is giving it away for free versus a company like oxitecrying to make a living. >> yes, we're talking about eradicatingaterrible class of diseases, but there is a genie out of the bottle with this gene drive. as soon as you make the decision to release these mosquitos into the environment, what's going to happen is going to happen. there's no going back >>> the public seems to be afraid of g.m. organisms because they don't know much about them >>> they have fascinating mitigation strategies to keep on top of how they're doing. they're starting in a remote place and see what happens there. when we have a better understanding of how these animals impact the environment we can take it elsewhere >> we have all seen jurassic park, all right? >>> they will naefr leave the island >> this mosquito has spread all over the world. it is piggy backing on humans, but still an island is a relatively safe place. these issues raise a tonne of questions which we here at techknow, we're going to stay on top of. that's it for this episode. see you next time.