community which does not have such a service and a loved one passes you have bottles of say oxycodon oxycoton tylenol with codeine laying around you need to wait for a biannual event from the dea or amcc possibly six months for that next event american medicine chest yes you're saying it's they're there but it's not as accessible and you're worried about what people i'm putting words in your mouth i i'm wrong tell me no it's good you're worried about what people are gonna do in the meantime with some of these drugs? it could sit there feasibly six months or flush them down the toilet yes well that's the problem into the waterway am i wrong there? absolutely absolultely jump in now that it's in the waterway now you know better than anyone what happens? well it's a severe problem with the waterways the only way to really treat the water directly to get this kind of stuff out of the water is so... by the way excuse me you should tell people why you know this people don't know your job alright well i'm a hackensack river keeper and... they still don't know what it means a water keeper is a intern