but bread is already baked in the place of gorelov, and they, ozhdanskaya volunteers from donetsk, togetherher volunteers, are engaged in baking bread, preparing cereals and drinks, and then they bring all this to the residents of the liberated territories today . well, i have free time, and i understand that either i will sit at home sad and sad, or i can do something useful , people are generally sincerely happy when you give. here's some bread for them or porridge, all the more, i know how it's cooked, we cooked it with great love and you understand that it is not in vain that the neighbors also help each other who can. what can they do together, they will now return their land to normal life together. and it’s not just about destroyed walls and broken windows , it’s about what is much more important, and the daily fear of these people has disappeared, because you came to the city, you watched the watch program, see you exactly in a week in our next issue. this morning i practically run, because i was practically late for the passage of moscow longevity under the guidance of nikolai niko