we, of course, have to see this, we are going to visit her in the agricultural town of ozyory, which30 km away. from grodno, this simply cannot be what i see. hello, hello, olechka anatolyevna, i’m calling you light, how is it possible to have time to do this hairstyle on... what do you need, olya, stop, yes, yes, olechka, stop, that’s enough, that’s enough, what are you saying to him, he doesn’t have any pills for work, no pills, i love my job, i’ll come here on saturday and then on sunday, here i’ll celebrate my birthday, yes, yes, olya, but lead me, let’s start, how long this garden, beautiful, is 20 years old, the best veterans’ yard, though we don’t see veterans in this yard, we can’t see where the veterans are, i thought, now there will be a granny. god, dandelion, that’s how it is, no, what kind of dandelion are you, when you are strikoza, i’ll jump strikoza, let’s go, let’s start, how old is the farmstead, that’s how old this beauty is, no, there is no beauty, we had a field of weeds, we got a plot, so, they sowed the lawn, yes, they mowed the lawn, it’s ugly, it grew up, the