based on our p. d.h. . and some of the world's most isolated regions transmitters that monitor their condition. most electronics are fairly temperature sensitive but your mic on is testing their receiver transmitters from a balmy fifty above all the way down to a frosty fifty below. experience big shots nokia siemens. joint venture aimed at producing the backbone for the country's first nation. four g. network siemens will send some of their forces to the special economic zone in a project sent to pump. stations a year. brings its own scientific base and original solutions to the project particularly in the field of a lot of technology we are planning to include. when that comes online later this year mcclellan will have made yet another contribution to the vital infrastructure they keep connected and just as they work to ensure the viability of every invaluable uplink they'll be working to ensure the information bridge to the future starts today and. most of the water in and around homes is plenty clean en