p.g. wodehouse. and so i wrote to mr. wodehouse and asked him if i could photograph him, and i guess either he called me or his--i know i was on the phone with him and i wanted to go and photograph him at 3:00, and he said why didn't i come around 4. and i said, well, i could come at 4. i said, `but i know you watch "edge of night" every day at 3:30, and i would like to come at 3:00, and i give you my word of honor i will not say a peep if you'll let me take a picture of you watching your show.' so he said, `oh, ok.' so i went and took a picture of him watching "edge of night." and i took many pictures. i thought it was easier for you to show the picture with "edge of night" on the screen. but as that tape progressed, you could just see him just sitting on the edge of his chair as he--as the--you know, the story was evolving. and then there's one where there's a couple kissing, and he's just really into this program. i had a nice time. he's in my "writers and their familiars" postcard book with his dachshund jed. and he an